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Review #22 - Exploding Kittens (NSFW Edition)

By Exploding Kittens. Designers Matthew Inman, Elen Lee and Shane Small. For 2 - 5 Players.

We own the Not Safe For Work (NSFW) edition which contains pictures not intended for younger audiences so for this interview I will be using pictures from google and not of my own copy in order to remain OK for younger readers eyes. Doesn't mean there won't be any stupid jokes or ramblings from me though!!

Both the regular version and the NSFW version are exactly the same apart from the art on the cards, NSFW contains things like boob cats and the regular version does not. This game is a quick and simple trick taking game with fun art and an easy to follow mechanic. You take a card on your turn or use a card you have to avoid taking a card and the last person to be blown up by an exploding kitten card is the winner. To give everyone a fair chance each player starts the game with one card that allows them to defuse the exploding kitten if it lands in your lap and then place it anywhere in the pack.

I have played this at all ranges from 2 to 5 players and it brings about belly laughs no matter what player count you play at. With the simple mechanics being easy to follow and everyone being able to attempt to mess up the next player and feel pretty smug about their choices.....until it back-fires and the next 4 people all skip taking a card and you are left holding the exploding kitten you had laid down to kill your fiancé (true story).

It is not a long game and will not fill a game night but, if you want a quick way to have a few laughs, get the beer/rum flowing and make sure everyone's night starts off in the right way then you can't do much better than Exploding Kittens!!

Final score - 8.5/10 "Recommended for all ages and as a great introduction to any game nights!! Blow each other up, reset and do it all over again. A great little game, especially to play with non-gamers. If you are not interested in light games then this may not be for you but, otherwise it is a great game to have in your collection"

Thanks for reading this review. Have a great time blowing up your friends kittens, DB.

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